New Venture Fund for Global Health Agencies & Funds (NVF for GHAF) is a grantmaking fund that aims to:
- Strengthen the organizational effectiveness of the global health institutions (GHIs) to deliver fully on their core mandates;
- Foster collaboration and coordination across GHIs, particularly to accelerate product introduction and improved partner ecosystem for product access, and on health systems strengthening measurement, technical assistance, and financing; and
- Support efforts with specific GHIs to increase equitable access to life-saving products, in particular innovations, and on strengthening of health systems.
The fund makes small and nimble project grants as large as $250,000 in support of the above mission to one of the following eligible candidates:
- Global health institutions (GHIs), specifically the World Health Organization, UNICEF, The Global Fund, the World Bank Group/Health Nutrition and Population (HNP)-managed funds and Pandemic Fund, the Global Financing Facility, Unitaid, and Living and Livelihoods Fund; or
- Organizations (known as “supporting organizations”) that directly support the abovementioned agencies.
For inquiries about your organization’s eligibility and to request more information about the fund, please contact nvfghaf@newventurefund.org. In your email, kindly provide the following information: a brief summary of the project for which you seek funding; how the project will advance the mission of one or more of the above GHIs; and the funding amount you are seeking.