Our projects support a range of efforts to safeguard and advance human health both domestically and abroad. This includes work to improve health outcomes in a variety of communities, that envisions new models of health care financing and delivery, and that promotes access to health care.

Co-Impact is a global philanthropic collaborative that sources and supports locally rooted coalitions in the Global South to transform underlying systems and achieve impact at scale, with a core focus on advancing gender equality and women’s leadership. The organization brings together institutional and individual donors to provide large, flexible grants and technical assistance in the areas of health, education, and economic opportunity. Supported by some of the world’s most prominent philanthropists, the collaborative is helping partners to build resilient societies in which all women, men, and children can reach their full potential.

National Collaborative for Health Equity (NCHE)
NCHE promotes health equity with a focus on racial inequalities that lead to poor health outcomes among communities of color. The coalition works to measure and improve conditions for health and well-being, including those related to housing, education, income and wealth, and the physical and social environment by harnessing data, developing leaders, and catalyzing cross-sector partnerships.